Sunday, May 20, 2012

Magical world of magnets

Talofa lava 
 Would  you like to come into my magical world of magnets,Well there are many different kinds of magnets like bar magnets,horse shoe magnets and many more.Dd you know that magnets can not attract metals like brass,copper and aluminium.When Ms took out a little container with some black dust inside I wondered as to what it could be.well it is called iron sand that can attract magnets.
Time to go ,I'll continue next time.


Magnetic adventure

Kia ora

Do you want to know what my class did last week?Well first I want to tell you it was an awesome  magnetic adventure.So  we were  looking at different kinds of magnets.The first magnet I will talk to you about is the bar magnet.Even though it looked like a hair brush it still has a strong magnetic pull.Some information about magnets is that each magnet has a North pole and a South pole.If you have two magnets and try to attract the North pole to the South pole it will attract but if you try to attract the North pole to the North pole it won't attract.Warning do not put magnets next to laptops,clocks and televisions.Thank you for reading my magnetic adventure.I hope you learnt something new.


Sunday, May 13, 2012


Hello friendly readers I am back again

Waiting forever to take our photos when  its's freezing cold outside. It's like we were standing in the North Pole. I was trying not to have butterflies in my stomach but finally we  were going in. We stand in the order of our heights.I don't know why but I'm always in the front and it's never changed one bit over the years. I think it's because I'm puny,  but I'm really  not that puny .One more thing to say I was accidentally crosseyed in the photo .Now I'm  eagerly waiting to see the photo .Fingers crossed.Ha ha!


Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Hello again

We have been wanting to add some of our class photos including some taken on the day of our I WONDER Expo on the last day of term 1.We hope you like them.We would like to hear your comments on our blog posts.

Before we forget  tomorrow is a special day for us.We are having our class photos taken.Very exciting.So looking forward to  seeing our photos.Our teacher told us to be look presentable for the photos.She said ,"you all need to wear  correct uniform and some perfume."Ha Ha Ha!Isin't it funny?Perfume for our photo session!

We would like to talk a little more about our inquiry learning this term.We will try to tell you all early next week.We are looking forward to doing our comparison charts.
That's all for now.Please don't forget to write some comments too.It will be much appreciated.


                   Our Display Boards

                                                           Terrific Twenty Fours
                 Presentation in Progress                                      

Terrific Twenty Fours with Mrs Karan
Our beautiful class

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Our new hero-Mawi Asgedom

Hey folks

It is week 2 already and there's a lot happening in our class in terms of learning.We have just started with our new Inquiry learning context-"Success".We are very excited about all the successful people we will be looking at as part of the process.We started reading a book called Angels and Beetles written by an Ethiopian American man called Mawi Asgedom.We feel he's so similar to our hero from term1 -Ben Carson.Today some of us even looked at his blog and found out that he has inspired about ...guess how many people .It is 1000000 people, that is 1 MILLION.Can you believe it?
His story is very interesting as he talks about his journey from Ethiopia to Harvard in his book.If you are keen on knowing about this person come to room 24.We'll share with you and hopefully inspire you.

My first day with Mrs Karan

Really my first day was alright but as we went on with the day it became crazier and crazier, well it started off by introducing ourselves My teacher had a great presentation of introducing herself by a power point.Isn't that amazing? Then straight after that all I heard  my teacher say was SNOWBALL FIGHT and that's when I was eager to listen about it She explained how to play.First you have to write on a piece of paper 5 things about your self then scrunch it up and chuck it around to your classmates .The person who gets the paper will have to read and guess the person .That was funny .All my nervousness was gone after the game.